Creating the Capacity for Change

One of the three constraints for any change is the capacity of the organisation to create and adopt new behaviours and processes.

The ability to spot when capacity is low is essential for any change agent.

After decades of productivity and efficiency programs, organisational capacity is at an all-time low.

In this article, we look at the outward and visible signs that capacity is limited, including a diagnostic tool to help you assess your environment.

We offer a range of tactics and suggestions on how to measure and improve both team and individual capacity, and how to navigate the tough conversations that can be needed

Signs that capacity is limited

The first stage is spotting that you have a problem. We identified seven themes which highlight capacity limitations.

  1. Confusion over clarity
    Lack of a clear vision, confusion, frequent conflict and misunderstandings, low levels of engagement and involvement

  2. Lack of Direction
    There is a low level of leadership support or conviction for strategic changes. There is poor alignment between leaders, with plenty of vested interests.

  3. Survival Mode
    Everything is a crisis, long hours with low efficiency, leading to poor or slow decision making. Micromanaging is common, with a low toleration for risk and

  4. Worn Out
    High stress levels, Increased sickness, negative attitude, out of character behaviour, quiet quitting, apathy and low morale

  5. Poor Behaviours
    Blame, defensiveness, and accusations are common. There is an active rumour mill and silos that create barriers

  6. Lean Operating
    Inadequate resources, and training the organisation is rightsized for operations with little or no capacity for strategic change. High turnover rates. Late, or low mobilisation to projects.

  7. Performance suffers
    Growth stagnates, commitments and deadlines are missed

If this feels familiar, download the full changeXchange article which includes

  1. Signs that capacity is limited

  2. A capacity assessment tool

  3. Tactics for optimising your capacity

  4. How to have a tough conversation (about capacity)

  5. How to build capacity in teams and yourself.

Download the full changeXchange article which includes

  1. Signs that capacity is limited

  2. A capacity assessment tool

  3. Tactics for optimising your capacity

  4. How to have a tough conversation (about capacity)

  5. How to build capacity in teams and yourself.


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The Ultimate Change Capability Matrix