Ask Great Questions

A change agent superpower; the ability to ask great questions.

If you have ever been stopped in your tracks by a great question, you will know how that feels. 

When you are looking for inspiration for questions that hit the spot, look no further. In this changeXchange we collected questions to help you explore.

Types of questions

Not all questions are equal. We need different questions for different occasions.

We split the questions into four; ones that explore and dig deeper, ones that ask permission, ones that challenge and finally those that show compassion. 

I know we shouldn’t have favourites, but my go-to for exploring questions is ‘tell me more’

Be inspired and feel free to make these questions yours.

Exploring Questions

Asking open, exploring questions helps you delve deeper into the emotions, reflections, visions, and perspectives of others.

They allow you to seek advice and insight that you would not otherwise have.


These questions respectfully challenge the beliefs and assumptions held by others.

They encourage critical thinking, exploration of alternative perspectives, and open-mindedness.

They help evaluate beliefs, consider different possibilities, and create an environment of continuous learning and growth.

Permission Led

By seeking permission or consent, these questions demonstrate respect for other’s boundaries, preferences, and confidentiality.

They demonstrate a collaborative and considerate approach, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and empowered to participate in the change process.


Compassion questions demonstrate care and concern for the well-being of others.

They create space for individuals to express their feelings, seek support, and prioritize self-care.

By showing compassion and actively listening, we can create a supportive and empathetic environment.


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